German Wieland Zenofle nanometer porcelain powder for Zirconia
The professional build-up process of Wieland Zenofle nanometer porcelain on
zirconia frame.Made by dental technician---Christian.
Clinical situation in the mouth.
Zirconia frame try-in in patient’s mouth
Zirconia frame with Porcelain binding Agent
Chromati buide-up
The anatomic shape of anterior teeth buid-up by dentine porcelain powder

Shape on the dentine
Use the Flu Flaming porcelain powder to get fluorescent effect
Opale outlook
Developmenta leaf build-up

Add fluorescent porcelain powder
Use Incisal Aquamarin to get incisal color
Outlook of buid-up Opale and incisal
Clear porcelain powder buiding up.
The outlook of zirconia bridge after the first sintering
Paste on zirconia bridge after the first sintering
Clinical prosthetics
Appreciate for all the technicians and dentist involved.